What are the sources of Spontaneous Symmetry Breaking for ED, GD and ID?
a. zero (1) = 1/countable infinity,
b. zero (2) = 1/uncountable infinity,
if zero(1) and zero(2) are two different entities, then the ED symmetry breaking becomes an innate property of the point zero, as it has two different entities to begin with.
Of course, the current Math has no such an idea of having two distinct zeros. That is, we must construct a new Math on this. Yet, I will start this with the philosophy first. We do have three “nothingness” in Ontology.
1. zero(i) --- it is “Nothing” now but will come into being in the future.
2. zero(ii) --- it was “Something” but is “Nothing” now.
3. zero(iii) --- it is “Something” now but will become “Nothing” in the future.
The zero(iii) is, seemingly, different from the zero(i) and zero(ii) significantly. Yet, it is a true zero ontologically, nonetheless.
If there are three zeros in ontology, should we also have three zeros in Math? How can these two sets of zeros be unified? I will discuss this later.
While the ED symmetry breaking can be explained with the concept of having more than one zero at the “point” zero, how does the GD symmetry breaking arise (from a singularity point to a loop or a line)? Why should the split of zeros turn into a loop?
Tienzen (Jeh-Tween) Gong
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